About Us
First Congregational Church
We are a proud church with over 200 years of worshiping God and being a central focus in the formation and development of Walton and the surrounding areas. Within half a dozen years of the first settlement of Walton, a log building was placed on Mt. Pleasant to serve as our first Church on Sunday and as a school throughout the rest of the week. Our current place of worship is a more centralized location at the corner of Mead and North Street.
Join us for Worship Services on Sundays at 10:15 am
Read about our 225th Anniversary Celebration (August 2018) in the The Daily Star.

Rev. Dr. Janet Schwengber
My early career was that of a researcher of Environmental Science and a Professor of Biology/Ecology. I have achieved my B.S. in Biology (1966) from the State University at Cortland; an M.S. in Ecology at the State university of New York at Albany and my Ph.D. (1981) from the College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse University. While teaching at the State University of New York at Delhi I ended up as a College Administrator as a Vice President of Academic Affairs. Later I became the Vice-President of Academic Affairs at Harcum College in Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania.
After I acquired my Ph.D. I continued my personal interest in theology and spirituality. I attended Princeton Theological Seminary during the summers from 1982 to about 1992. During this time I did not enroll in any program of study for ordination but rather selected the courses I would like to take for my own interest and edification. [I have always selected as “recreational-reading” such authors as Bonhoeffer, Kierkegaard, and Rahner; perhaps not so much recreation as maybe a long-lost interest in theological thinking.]
In 1993 I resigned from College Administration and took a year off to re-think my direction in life (I was on my way as a College President; but had reservations of this move). I returned to seminary full-time, this time to Washington Theological Union in Washington D.C. During this time I recalibrated my life and used this time to discern a direction. I was 50 years old at the time. Upon my return, I spent another three years in the study of lay-ministry offered by the PCUSA Susquehanna Presbytery and was commissioned a lay pastor in 2006. I have traveled the circuit of filling pulpits and I have been the lay-pastor of the Stamford Presbyterian Church in NY for two years.
I was asked to fill a vacant pulpit of the UCC in Walton in 2011, I was licensed by the UCC in 2012 and the rest is history. However, I have fallen in love with the UCC and am now reviewing the possibility of ordination in this denomination.
Editor’s Note: The Congregation of the First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ of Walton was pleased to participate in the ordination and installation to the ministry of the Rev. Dr. Schwengber on June 27th, 2021. We welcome her as the minister of our congregation.
An Open & Affirming Church
Sharing His Love
We are a community grounded in the life and love of Jesus Christ and are dedicated to sharing this love with others.
God is Still Speaking
We have a long history here in Walton, but we actively engage how God is Still Speaking to the church today.
Children Welcome
We love and welcome children and enjoy their energy during worship and beyond.
Asking & Seeking
We believe in asking tough faith questions and seeking together the Spirit’s call.
Worship Style
We value worship in word, in a wide variety of music, and in silence.
You're Welcome Here
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here.
First Congregational Church
United Church of Christ, Walton

Join us for worship Sundays at 10:15 am
(607) 865-4066
4 Mead St. Walton, NY 13856