Pastor’s Pen

Dr. Janet Schwengber


Reflective Meditation

Listen to the Deepening Places by Micrina Wiederkehr If today you hear God’ voice….. Learn to listen! The voice inviting you is voiceless. Most ancient of all voices. Enticing voice without words. Listen from within the cells of your being. From the marrow of your bones, listen. From the deepest source of your life, listen. A holy vibration, a gentle movement, a persistent tugging – summons you into the deepening places. Learn to go deep! Like waves of the sea you are being pulled back into...

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Is Christmas Over?

We all know the endless song “The Twelve Days Christmas” which was actually written to commemorate the 12 days we celebrate Christmas from December 25th (Christmas) to January 6th (Epiphany) when the Magi came to visit the newborn Christ. Christmas leads us to the time when we travel through Scriptures to the days when we begin to celebrate the eventual death of Christ (Lent, Holy Thursday, and Good Friday). The death of the child whose birth we celebrated at Christmas. In the Gospel of Saint...

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First Congregational Church

United Church of Christ, Walton

Join us for worship Sundays at 10:15 am

(607) 865-4066

4 Mead St. Walton, NY 13856